Elad Nguh & Partners Law Firm - Bamenda, Cameroon
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Company name
Elad Nguh & Partners Law Firm
Vicky Street Entrance,Bamenda Food market road, Cameroon
Contact number
Mobile phone
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 8:00-5:00pm
- Tuesday: 8:00-5:00pm
- Wednesday: 8:00-5:00pm
- Thursday: 8:00-5:00pm
- Friday: 8:00-5:00pm
- Saturday: 10:00-3:00PM
- Sunday: on Appointment only
Company manager
Munoh Mathias Establishment year
6-10Registration code
1985vtVAT registration
100000E-mail address
Company description
(Barristers, Solicitors and NOTARY PUBLIC SERVICES)
The ELAD NGUH &PARTNERS law firm is a prestigious and well-respected institution located in the Heart of the North West Region of Bamenda ,along the Food Market Road. The attorneys at this firm are experienced and knowledgeable in a wide range of legal disciplines, and they are dedicated to providing their clients with the best possible legal representation. The firm's attorneys are experienced in both litigation and corporate law, and they are skilled in handling a wide range of complex legal matters. The law firm's clients are typically high-profile individuals and businesses who require the highest level of legal representation. The law firm's attorneys are also experienced in negotiating
1) Notary Public -We have Notaries who are 10years plus experience and do their work professionally as per their oath.
2) Barrister and Solicitors Service area.
We are specialized in handling matters in the fields below:
a)Sports Entertainment and gaming law
b)technology and intellectual PROPERTY law practice
c)Corporate ,commercial law practice
d)business and property law practice
e)Maritime Law
f)Legal Due Diligence
g )Matrimonial and Family Law Practice
h)Alternative Dispute Resolution (out of court settlement)
Contact for more directives or details:
Elad Nguh & Partners Law Firm
Bamenda Cameroon
[email protected]
(Barristers, Solicitors and NOTARY PUBLIC SERVICES)
The ELAD NGUH &PARTNERS law firm is a prestigious and well-respected institution located in the Heart of the North West Region of Bamenda ,along the Food Market Road. The attorneys at this firm are experienced and knowledgeable in a wide range of legal disciplines, and they are dedicated to providing their clients with the best possible legal representation. The firm's attorneys are experienced in both litigation and corporate law, and they are skilled in handling a wide range of complex legal matters. The law firm's clients are typically high-profile individuals and businesses who require the highest level of legal representation. The law firm's attorneys are also experienced in negotiating
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and drafting complex legal documents. The law firm's attorneys are highly respected in the legal community. The law firm's attorneys are also highly sought-after by law firms and businesses who need legal representation. The law firm's attorneys are highly skilled in litigation and corporate law, and they are dedicated to providing their clients with the best possible legal representation.SERVICE AREAS
1) Notary Public -We have Notaries who are 10years plus experience and do their work professionally as per their oath.
2) Barrister and Solicitors Service area.
We are specialized in handling matters in the fields below:
a)Sports Entertainment and gaming law
b)technology and intellectual PROPERTY law practice
c)Corporate ,commercial law practice
d)business and property law practice
e)Maritime Law
f)Legal Due Diligence
g )Matrimonial and Family Law Practice
h)Alternative Dispute Resolution (out of court settlement)
Contact for more directives or details:
Elad Nguh & Partners Law Firm
Bamenda Cameroon
[email protected]
Listed in categories
Products & Services 3
- Notary Public ServicesNotary Public at Elad Nguh & Partners Law Firm offer Notaria...
- Sports Entertainment and gaming lawAt Elad Nguh & Partners Law Firm , we have carved out our ow...
- Corporate ,commercial law practiceAt Elad Nguh Law Firm Bamenda ,we are into Corporate commerc...
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