Safe Construction - Yaounde, Cameroon
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Listing - +3Years
With Us
Company name
Safe Construction
yaounde Mvog-mbi , Cameroon
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Tuesday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Wednesday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Thursday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Friday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Saturday: NOT OPEN
- Sunday: NOT OPEN
Company manager
26-50Registration code
P029816297123AE-mail address
Company description
SAFE CONSTRUCTION BTP takes birth with the aim of realizing fascinating architectural designs and producing realistic drawings in the strict standards and rules of architectural art. To ensure satisfaction, both visually, functionally, stability, safety, and durability, this company is open to you. To meet all the needs of our clients in the construction sector and provide them with turnkey follow-up, in the hope of making our cities better-living environments, is the vision of our firm.
We recognize that human beings will live, work, play and occupy the spaces and places we imagine and design for our clients. Our work includes the Honton Hospital in the United States, the Monastery of Guinea, the miniaturized city of Kribi in Cameroon, etc. With honesty and
We work diligently to ensure the complete satisfaction of our entire clientele through each of our services. This is SAFE CONSTRUCTION BTP, a firm that is committed to improving the human experience every day and every time.
We believe that architecture and design matter and that through our work we will make the difference in the world. Our aim is to design buildings that are more than just objects, but that also function as catalysts for constructive urban and social transformation.
SAFE CONSTRUCTION BTP takes birth with the aim of realizing fascinating architectural designs and producing realistic drawings in the strict standards and rules of architectural art. To ensure satisfaction, both visually, functionally, stability, safety, and durability, this company is open to you. To meet all the needs of our clients in the construction sector and provide them with turnkey follow-up, in the hope of making our cities better-living environments, is the vision of our firm.
We recognize that human beings will live, work, play and occupy the spaces and places we imagine and design for our clients. Our work includes the Honton Hospital in the United States, the Monastery of Guinea, the miniaturized city of Kribi in Cameroon, etc. With honesty and
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transparency, we put perfection and quality first in everything we offrons as a service. Our priority is the absolute satisfaction of our clients.We work diligently to ensure the complete satisfaction of our entire clientele through each of our services. This is SAFE CONSTRUCTION BTP, a firm that is committed to improving the human experience every day and every time.
We believe that architecture and design matter and that through our work we will make the difference in the world. Our aim is to design buildings that are more than just objects, but that also function as catalysts for constructive urban and social transformation.
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Products & Services 3
- ÉTUDEPartant de la topographie, de la géotechnique aux études com...
- CONCEPTION ARCHITECTURALEPar un design architectural répondant à vos besoins et désir...
- RÉALISATIONS GROS ŒUVRE ET SECOND OEUVREPartant de la conception de votre projet , nous réalisons la...
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