AES-Sonel - Douala, Cameroon
3 Reviews
AES-Sonel Direction générale - Avenue De Gaulle33 42 24 44, 33 42 47 14
Company name
Direction générale - Avenue De Gaulle, Douala, Cameroon
Contact number
33 42 22 47
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Company description
When the Cameroon government decided in June 1996 to privatize the electricity sector, it embarked on the search for a strategic partner with an adequate financial standing to help in improving and modernising the sector as well as, increasing, in a significant manner, access of the population to electricity and transferring, to Cameroonians, know-how that meets international standards. At the end of five years of work devoted to the precise definition of the global restructuring strategy of the sector, the American group AES-CORP was chosen as partner with government in the Cameroon Electricity Corporation of which government held, directly or indirectly, 97% of the share capital. On the 18th of July 2001, the State of Cameroon ceded 56% of the shares of SONEL to the strategic partner, AES-CORP. The new entity borne out of this transfer was named AES-SONEL.
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AES-Sonel Direction générale - Avenue De Gaulle33 42 24 44, 33 42 47 14
About the usage of the prepaid meter
Greetings to you all, please with the prepaid meter, can one buy it here in Dla bonaberi up and after using it here in bonaberi up then in case he wants to transfer to say Deido can he still transfer with it and use it there without any problems?. Thank you sir while waiting for an answer
AES-Sonel Direction générale - Avenue De Gaulle33 42 24 44, 33 42 47 14
We are just too disappointed with the quality of services offer by AES Sonel.
Employees are careless. No word to describe the poor quality of services rendered by its personnel.
Employees are careless. No word to describe the poor quality of services rendered by its personnel.
AES-Sonel Direction générale - Avenue De Gaulle33 42 24 44, 33 42 47 14
I am very disappointed at aes sonel. I have had a problem since last year for I was falsely accused of fraud on my metal. I passed through a lot of stress before the problem was solved. I live in the Eleveur quarter of Yaounde and I have subscribed with the Etoudi branch of AES sonel. Recently, the same problem has occurred by me having bills asking me to pay over nine hundred thousand francs C FA for fraud I know nothing about. This is the same thing that happened in the past. Each time I go to complain at the Etoudi branch, they do not even allow me see the branch manager. This is poor management and I am disappointed in this. I wonder if the hierarchy knows if all these happens. I have been receiving text messages reminding me to come and pay this amount which is over nine hundred thousand and I want this problem to be solved. I look forward to hearing from you and I would like you to know that, with all due respect, you exist because we exist and life is not worth trying to exploit the less privilege.
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