Imprimerie Adventiste (IMA) - Yaounde, Cameroon
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Company name
Imprimerie Adventiste (IMA)
Yaoundé Nkongkak, BP 61, Yaounde, Cameroon
Contact number
22 21 44 36
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Questions & Answers
Bonjour,je suis duchel Tekeudjo, étudiant en sciences du papier et bioénergie à l'Iut-Bois de Mbalmayo. dans le cadre de ma formation, il est de notre devoir de faire un stage académique en imprimerie, j'aimerai s'il vous plait savoir si vous admettez des stagiaires dans votre structure
Prière de bien vouloir me faire un devis pour impression et reliure de 6 œuvres; chaque œuvre en 100 exemplaires de 220 pages environ?
Mes salutations cordiales.
Mes salutations cordiales.
Dear Sir, Madam,
We are organising a conference from 3-6 May 2016 in Yaounde, Cameroon. For this workshop we would need a programma book printed locally preferably. This programme book consists of a total of approx. 40 pages plus a cover.
Would you be able to print this for 400 participants AND ensure it is delivered in time prior to the workshop?
How much would the costs be?
Looking forward to hear from you.
Yours sincerely,
Ingrid Goedhart
We are organising a conference from 3-6 May 2016 in Yaounde, Cameroon. For this workshop we would need a programma book printed locally preferably. This programme book consists of a total of approx. 40 pages plus a cover.
Would you be able to print this for 400 participants AND ensure it is delivered in time prior to the workshop?
How much would the costs be?
Looking forward to hear from you.
Yours sincerely,
Ingrid Goedhart
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