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Branch 487, Avenue Charles De Gaulle, P.O. Box 7324, Yaounde, Cameroon
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Company description
Citi has had a presence in Cameroon since 1997 and currently operates though its two branches, in Douala, the economic capital, and Yaoundé, the administrative capital.
In Cameroon, Citi is the key banking partner for more than 180 corporate and public sector clients, offering a range of banking services that include cash management, liquidity management, trade services, trade finance, treasury services, corporate finance, lending and securities services. Citi was the first bank to introduce its integrated e-banking platform CitiDirect® for multicurrency payments and account management, in addition to introducing its live FX platform, CitiFX® Pulse. Through its global network, Citi is well positioned to help Cameroon tap international capital markets.
In Cameroon, Citi is the key banking partner for more than 180 corporate and public sector clients, offering a range of banking services that include cash management, liquidity management, trade services, trade finance, treasury services, corporate finance, lending and securities services. Citi was the first bank to introduce its integrated e-banking platform CitiDirect® for multicurrency payments and account management, in addition to introducing its live FX platform, CitiFX® Pulse. Through its global network, Citi is well positioned to help Cameroon tap international capital markets.
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Questions & Answers
I want to open an account but i reside in the US... it that possible?
What is the process?
What is the process?
I want to open an account but i reside in the US... it that possible?
What is the process?
What is the process?
Does this City Bank branch accept international wire transfers from bank to bank?
What are the terms and conditions?
What are the terms and conditions?
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