ECOBANK - Douala, Cameroon
1 Review
ECOBANKHead Office - Akwa - 582 Bld de la Liberté - BP 58233 43 82 51, 33 43 82 53, 33 42 47 93, 33 42 41 81
- Verified
Company name
Head Office - Akwa - 582 Bld de la Liberté - BP 582, Douala, Cameroon
Contact number
33 43 86 09
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Company description
Ecobank Cameroon (ECM) is regulated by the Banking Commission of CEMAC Region (COBAC) regulating body of the banking business in CEMAC Region, itself under the authority of the Bank of Central Bank (BEAC).
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ECOBANKHead Office - Akwa - 582 Bld de la Liberté - BP 58233 43 82 51, 33 43 82 53, 33 42 47 93, 33 42 41 81
Poor Service Delivery.
My sister has been threatened to no pay out because of a fault that is actually caused by Ecobank's Mobile App.
RapidTransfer has been of great assistance allowing me to send money home to care for my family. But the branch (Nkoulouloun-Douala, Cameroon) where she collects the had been issuing warning that she will not get paid if the names keep being mixed up. I sent money and took pics from the App as i proceeded with the transaction for my sister to present as evidence that all data has been properly entered into the app and the erroneous print on the other hand is caused by Mobile App. Thay still did not pay her.
Totally unacceptable!!!!!!!!!!!
RapidTransfer has been of great assistance allowing me to send money home to care for my family. But the branch (Nkoulouloun-Douala, Cameroon) where she collects the had been issuing warning that she will not get paid if the names keep being mixed up. I sent money and took pics from the App as i proceeded with the transaction for my sister to present as evidence that all data has been properly entered into the app and the erroneous print on the other hand is caused by Mobile App. Thay still did not pay her.
Totally unacceptable!!!!!!!!!!!
Questions & Answers
Bonsoir. Je me nomme foaleng mafogha Jenny Flora,étudiante à l'université catholique d'Afrique centrale s'il vous plaît offrez-vous des stages académiques pour une période de trois mois(Mars- mai) aux étudiants de Master 2 droit des affaires?je souhaiterais effectuer mon stage dans vos locaux.
Je suis titulaire d'un compte d'épargne à ecobank, ouvert à l'agence de BONANDJO-CAMEROUN. Je réside en FRANCE. Je souhaite effectuer des opérations sur mon compte. Mais impossible de joindre le moindre service au Cameroun. J'ai envoyé un message depuis le 30/08/17 à la demande d'une conseillère sur l'adresse mail :ecobankenquieries. Je n'ai jamais reçu de réponse à mon mail.
Que dois-je faire?
Je suis titulaire d'un compte d'épargne à ecobank, ouvert à l'agence de BONANDJO-CAMEROUN. Je réside en FRANCE. Je souhaite effectuer des opérations sur mon compte. Mais impossible de joindre le moindre service au Cameroun. J'ai envoyé un message depuis le 30/08/17 à la demande d'une conseillère sur l'adresse mail :ecobankenquieries. Je n'ai jamais reçu de réponse à mon mail.
Que dois-je faire?
Bonjour, je suis titulaire d'un compte Ecobank Congo , ma carte as expiree , puis je faire des retraits au guichet de Douala ?car j'y suis actuellement. Merci de bien vouloir me repondre
Verified Business
The accuracy of the company profile for ECOBANK is validated by the company owner, representative, or directory administrator.
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