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Listing - +5Years
With Us
Company name
34 Ring Rd Bertoua Eastern Region CAMEROON
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: 10:00AM -5:00PM
- Tuesday: 10:00AM -5:00PM
- Wednesday: 10:00AM -5:00PM
- Thursday: 10:00AM -5:00PM
- Friday: 10:00AM -5:00PM
- Saturday: 10:00AM -5:00PM
- Sunday: 10:00AM -5:00PM
Company manager
ROBERT BAKER Establishment year
26-50Registration code
02386754533VAT registration
0998753354E-mail address
Company description
We are a community of local miners here in idenau, a small village here in Cameroon in the aforementioned portion, We discovered Gold in our village since 1998 but before now it was mined individually by local tribesmen with traditional tools.
However the face of our mining sector got face lift in 2009 when the villagers upon request government stake holders unanimously decided to form a local initiative group now "BEKORA MINERS" Administered by the Royal family and basically control by myself the most educated Prince in the village.
I must admit at this point that we often encourage all our customer to visit our local as they might be interested to invest and expand mines.
We are Common initiative Group registered here in Cameroon.Also note that we have little or no record on
Cameroon mining system is basically artisan.That is why we always advice foreign investors to aid us with modern mining material and equipment.
Our selling terms are very straight and forward we sell only 24+ carat Gold to international market and sell any lesser Carat (22,21,18 etc) to our domestic market here in Cameroon.At every point our business terms are negotiable. Since most of our village elders are illiterates we avoid a lot of paper work. However its obligatory for us to respect our state laws.We equally also want to let you know that we expect the utmost of transparency and honesty from our customers as we get into business.
We shall be grateful to furnish you with any further information that you may require after hearing from you and shall consider it a privilege entering into long-lasting relationship between both parties.
However the face of our mining sector got face lift in 2009 when the villagers upon request government stake holders unanimously decided to form a local initiative group now "BEKORA MINERS" Administered by the Royal family and basically control by myself the most educated Prince in the village.
I must admit at this point that we often encourage all our customer to visit our local as they might be interested to invest and expand mines.
We are Common initiative Group registered here in Cameroon.Also note that we have little or no record on
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the internet because of fear to share our details on internet it might just fall in wrong hands.Cameroon mining system is basically artisan.That is why we always advice foreign investors to aid us with modern mining material and equipment.
Our selling terms are very straight and forward we sell only 24+ carat Gold to international market and sell any lesser Carat (22,21,18 etc) to our domestic market here in Cameroon.At every point our business terms are negotiable. Since most of our village elders are illiterates we avoid a lot of paper work. However its obligatory for us to respect our state laws.We equally also want to let you know that we expect the utmost of transparency and honesty from our customers as we get into business.
We shall be grateful to furnish you with any further information that you may require after hearing from you and shall consider it a privilege entering into long-lasting relationship between both parties.
Listed in categories
Products & Services 1
- GOLD DORE BARS , GOLD NUGGETS , GOLD DUSTWe have gold nuggets, gold bars and diamond ready for inspec...
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